Business Intelligence
Business reports are a type of tools - reports with numerous possibilities, sorting, providing filters, groupings in which collected information is analyzed in a very friendly way for the interested party.
A situation or a scenario is presented with the aim of applying the resulting statistical models and indicators, with a series of proposals and actions to improve processes and entrepreneurship.
To provide immediate and valid results as well as conclusions from analysis of all
of data drawn from any database.
Information available 24/7 on any electronic medium.
To examine available proposals and possible solutions to a problem, situation or issue.
To implement the actions, beyond the theory, to manage a specific situation.
Provide the ability to create multiple information models, which help company executives predict market trends. competitive movements, customer needs, and budgeting for business operations and plans.
To help and support decisions and actions when requested with absolute confidence in the results.
Reduction of labor costs due to the automated generation of reports.
Hotelligent is an integrated system for extracting, processing and presenting useful information as well as results of a hotel unit.
The information is drawn from the various systems operating in a hotel unit and categorized appropriately, so that we always have in real time any information we need.
The performance of each department, as well as their operating costs, is easier than ever.

In just a few minutes the information is available to make daily critical business decisions.
Reduction of labor costs due to the automated generation of reports.
Provision of personalized information in which the most important elements for daily operation are gathered.
Analysis of customer satisfaction indicators.